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What Is Staff Augmentation?

What Is Staff Augmentation?

By Arun Kumar

What Is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation is the process of adding external resources to an existing team to fill specific skills gaps or increase capacity. This can be done by hiring temporary or contract workers, outsourcing specific tasks, or by using a managed services provider. The goal of staff augmentation is to supplement the existing team with the necessary skills and expertise to meet specific project needs or business objectives.

Staff augmentation can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Covering a temporary skills gap, such as when a team member is on leave.
  • Increasing capacity, such as when a company is experiencing growth or a spike in demand.
  • Bringing in specialized skills or expertise, such as when a project requires a specific technology or knowledge that the existing team lacks.
  • Reducing costs, such as by outsourcing non-core functions or by hiring contract workers instead of permanent employees.

Staff augmentation can be done in-house or through a third-party provider, such as a managed services provider or a staffing agency. In either case, the goal is to bring in the necessary resources to support the existing team and meet project or business objectives.

It is important to note that staff augmentation should be done with care and with a clear understanding of the specific needs and objectives of the project or business. It's important to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the staff augmentation resources and to ensure that they are properly integrated into the existing team. Additionally, it is important to have clear communication and expectations set between the internal team and the external resources to ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration.

What Is Staff Augmentation?

What Is Staff Augmentation?

What Is Staff Augmentation?

What Is Staff Augmentation?