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Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers

By Arun Kumar

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers
What is the objective of this project or task? Understanding the objective will help you better understand what the client or reporting manager is trying to achieve, and what their expectations are for the outcome.
  1. What is the objective of this project or task?
    Understanding the objective will help you better understand what the client or reporting manager is trying to achieve, and what their expectations are for the outcome.
  2. What is the timeline for completion?
    Knowing the timeline for completion will help you understand how urgent the project is and how quickly you need to deliver.
  3. What is the budget for this project or task?
    Understanding the budget will help you determine what resources are available to you, and what level of quality is expected.
  4. What are the key deliverables or outcomes that the client or reporting manager expects?
    Knowing the specific deliverables or outcomes that are expected will help you ensure that you are meeting the client's or manager's expectations.
  5. What level of communication and updates does the client or reporting manager expect?
    Understanding how often the client or manager wants to be updated and how they prefer to be communicated with will help you establish a communication plan that meets their needs and expectations.

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers

Five Questions to Ask to Understand The Expectations & Needs of The Client / Reporting Managers