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Big Data explained with examples

Big Data explained with examples

By Arun Kumar

Big Data explained with examples

Big Data refers to extremely large data sets that may be too complex, vast or fast-changing for traditional data processing tools to handle. The term is used to describe the challenges and opportunities that come with handling large amounts of data, including the need for new technologies, approaches, and skills. Some examples of big data include:

  1. Social media data: Posts, likes, shares, comments, and other interactions generated by millions of users on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  2. Retail data: Point-of-sale transactions, purchase histories, customer behavior, and other data generated by retailers.
  3. Healthcare data: Patient records, medical imaging, and other health-related data generated by hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations.
  4. Financial data: Stock prices, trade volumes, and other financial data generated by stock exchanges, banks, and other financial institutions.
  5. Sensor data: Data generated by various types of sensors, such as GPS, environmental sensors, and industrial equipment sensors.

Big data is often characterized by the "3Vs": volume, velocity, and variety. These three elements describe the sheer scale and complexity of big data, as well as the need for real-time processing and the diversity of data types and sources.

Big Data explained with examples

Big Data explained with examples

Big Data explained with examples

Big Data explained with examples