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become an affiliate, earn passive income.

Help your network discover how TALN simplifies remote hiring of tech talents while being rewarded along the way.

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It's easy to become
an Affiliate

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Get Onboard

Register yourself as an affiliate using the form. One of our representative will get in touch with you and start onboarding process.

Share it with your network

Share it with your network

Share TALN's remote staffing services to your referrals, arrange a discussion with us and we'll show them how TALN can help them scale team globally.

Earn for every referral

Earn for every referral

Each Company you refer, for the first 5 resources deployed you will get 500 USD each, so earn up to a total of 2500 USD per successful referral company. In addition you will 50 USD for each positive lead even if we are not able to successfully onboard that company.

How our program works?


Register to our Affiliate program


Refer TALN to your network


Your referral schedules a call with TALN, you get 50 USD per lead


The company signs with TALN and starts hiring developers


You earn up to 500 USD per resource deployed, for the first 5 resources for each company referred.

Do you know someone looking
to hire remote developers?

Become an affiliate and start
referring today.

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Do you know someone lookingto hire remote developers?